17 Oktober 2013

Inquiry Letter and Order Letter

Inquiry Letter

Definition :
A letter of inquiry, also known as a prospecting letter or letter of interest, is sent to companies that may be hiring, but, haven't listed specific job openings.

Example :
Salim Akhtur Permadi
Rawa Bambu 1 Jl H
Jakarta Selatan, Pasar Minggu, 12520
17 October 2013
Alfia Sabrina
Marketing Credit Card
Jalan Alamatnya Gatau
Jakarta Pusat, Menteng, 12345
Dear Ms. Alfia,
For the past two years I have followed your career through news events, interviews and web research. Your dedication to the Fourth Estate and your understanding of the important role journalists play in today's fast-paced information highway, coupled with your belief in the power of the press is exemplary.
I have had the privilege of honing my journalistic abilities on three widely different publications. When I left college, I immediately went to work for the typical small town newspaper and learned all aspects of getting the paper to the people in a timely manner. I then moved to regional manager for a media corporation composed of small to mid-size newspapers in the Midwest. In my current position, I am Chief Correspondent for one of the largest newspapers in the southwest.
I would like an opportunity to visit with you to get your insight and suggestions on where my skills and abilities would be of the greatest value to the ABD Company, and to inquire about possible job openings with the company.
I will call your office to set a convenient time. I do look forward to meeting you.
Salim Akhtur Permadi

Order Letter

Definition :
An order letter is usually written when a company purchases or buys  or order goods or services from another party.

Example :
Rawa Bambu 1 Jl H.
Jakarta, Indonesia
October 17, 2013

Ms. Alfia Sabrina
Bank UOB
42 Menteng
Jakarta Pusat, Indonesia 12520

Dear Ms. Alfia :

Thank you for sending your catalog so promptly. It arrived within a few days of my request. Please send me the following items by parcel post :
2 copies UK Vintage Post Card @ $5.00 $ 10.00
2 copies UK Telephone Book Separator @ $2.50 $ 5.00
Total $ 15.00
I am enclosing a money order for 15.00. If there are additional charges, please let me know.
Please mail the books to the address given above.

Very truly yours,

Salim Akhtur P
This post to complete Bahasa Inggris Bisnis 1 Assigment about Inquiry Letter and Order Letter.
Sources : http://jobsearch.about.com/od/coverlettersamples/a/inquiry.htm and http://www.englet.com/order

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